Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Kelby!

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Best wishes from
the NTSBC gals

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Those in the know, refer to our book, You or Someone Like You, as YOSLY (just wanted to make sure you were among those "in the know")! Have you started reading it yet? I am still waiting for mine to land on my door step...I'm hopeful it will arrive in time for spring break.

Here are a couple of sites you may want to check out prior to our next meeting.

Author Chandler Burr's website is:
Did you know he was the New York Times perfume critic? Who knew there was such a position!

The discussion site for YOSLY is:

Lastly, I wanted to pass along this quote regarding YOSLY...I think we can be serious enough, don't you?
“A must-read for any book group serious enough to spend more time discussing the book at hand, rather than discussing what wine to serve during the meeting…”— NPR'S FRESH AIR

To those traveling over spring break...
may you have safe travels,
beautiful weather
and lots of time to read!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

April Book Selection

By looking at the above book covers, it would appear we are reading 3 very different books. However they are all covers for our next book selection which is You or Someone Like You by Chandler Burr. a bookstore, does a book's cover influence if you will take a look at it? If so, which cover would peak your interest?

This looks like a fun and interesting read, especially for those traveling over spring break. Thanks Brigid!

To read the book's synopsis on,
click here.

Mark your calendars for
April 20th for our next book discussion!

Thank you Clare!

Thank you Clare for hosting a great book club discussion! Although we didn't stay on topic the whole time (do we ever?), it was a great conversation.

For those of you who missed it, you might be interested to know that The Lone Survivor is supposedly being made into a movie (filming early this year) and a book is coming out on May 15 about the life of fellow Operation Redwing member, Lt. Michael Murphy, titled Seal of Honor. Who would you cast as Marcus Luttrell in the movie?

We also watched Marcus Luttrell's Today Show interview. If you haven't seen it, links for the video and other related info can be found in earlier posts below.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March NTSBC Meeting

We will meet on Wedesday, March 16 from 10:00 a.m. - noon at Clare's house to discuss The LoneSurvivor. Please RSVP to Clare.

To read an interesting article from the NY Times about how the book came to be, click here.

For more information on Operation Redwing and its heroes, go to

One Village - One Book

On Monday, March 21 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Community Room, there will be a book discussion on The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak for adults and students grades 9 and up. The Book Thief has been described as "an unforgettable story about the ability of books to feed the soul". Dialogue about the book will be lead by the OHES librarian, Rebecca McLean.

It’s just a small story really, about among other things: a girl, some words, an accordionist, some fanatical Germans, a Jewish fist-fighter, and quite a lot of thievery. . . .